Sunday 13 October 2013

What Face Do You Show on Facebook?

Cheeky status updates on Facebook can be fun and create a lot of ‘attention’ from your friends. Downside is, these types of posts give a client or work colleagues way too much information about your personal life and risk painting the wrong impression.

If business acquaintances have access to your personal page, then it’s time to shift your attention from just ‘social’ posting and include posts which highlight your values and character.

‘Un-friend’ any unsavoury types you’re connected to, avoid mixing alcohol and Facebook updates and try to steer clear of compromising photo opportunities.

Ultimately, the responsibility of what appears on your Facebook profile lies with you. If you’re concerned about your image, now would be the time to adjust your privacy settings and photo tagging permissions.

Your social media profile plays a huge part in how you present yourself publicly and should be the very best representation of you. After all, that potential client you’re trying to impress, could be weighing you up on Facebook right this very minute!

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